Friday, June 10, 2011

A few things...

A lot of things have happened this week that I've wanted to write about, but sadly I haven't had the time. So, I figured at the very least, I could share a quick list now and maybe go deeper a little later.

On My Mind:

Technology Rocks!
I'm on a mission to get the most out of my electronic devices and the awesome technology available. One BIG win this week was the purchase of an AV composite cable that allows me to hook my iPhone or iPod up to the DVD player in the car...or a TV, stereo, portable DVD player, etc. I can now play movies or music from iTunes, watch videos from YouTube and stream Netflix. So awesome! This is a great companion to my recent AppleTV purchase.

Delta Debacle
Another awful incident of an airline (Delta) charging service members (who were on their way home from deployment) fees for extra bags. Shame, shame Delta. Thankfully, because of the power of social media and customer voice (infused with a healthy dose of patriotism) the airline quickly released a statement announcing a change in policy and offered apologies. While it's disgraceful that it happened in the first place, I applaud Delta for their quick response.

Family Routine Re-Org
In an effort to make sure the Marsh family is functioning at optimum speed, our routine needs a makeover. This also includes some household reorganization (home office, school stuff, art supplies, etc.) and restructuring (clear roles and responsibilities--I make sure bills are paid, hubby makes sure gas is in the cars, etc.)...and I'm open to any tips or resources to help ensure success! I've done a little research for online organizers/calendars and have found a few but I don't feel drawn to any just yet. When I find a keeper, I'll share.

Of course there are a ton of other things floating around my head (at least ten at any given moment) so I'll be sure to share more later.

One more thing to share. I just learned about a 15-year-old girl in England who has terminal cancer. She has come up with a bucket list and is blogging her way through it. Sad, yet touching story. What a great thing for her family to have and to be reminded by the many lives little Alice touched!

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