Friday, June 17, 2011

Is there such thing as a 'new idea'?

I like to think that every once in a while, I have a good idea...or even better, a "new" idea. The more and more we humans socialize online, I'm beginning to the think a "new" idea is almost impossible!

Example: I noticed a woman getting off the elevator in front of me the other day. Nice suit, nice shoes, nice lady. What detracted from the nice suit however, was a little "X" sewn in the slit of her jacket--either she had forgot to snip it off, or she was one of the many who didn't know you were supposed to. (**Ladies and gents, you are, in fact, supposed to cut that's only there to keep the material from folding up and getting wrinkled when it's in the store**)

I had a nice internal chuckle (which I instantly felt guilty about) and wondered if that little "X" was worth writing a blog about. You know, share with the world (or at least my wonderful readers) this little nugget of truth that many retailers forget to mention. As I walked to my car, I tried to mentally work out an opener: "This little "X" may mark the spot...but it doesn't lead to any treasure. It's an indicator that you are fashion clueless--a fashion faux pas some would say equals that of having your skirt tucked into your pantyhose..." or something witty like that.

However, life, as usual, happened and I didn't feel like writing that night and then of course completely forgot about it. That is until, I found myself reading a new blog post from one of my favorite bloggers (and a fabulous person to know): Cupcakes and Shoes, in which she shared this photo:

I seriously almost fell off my chair! I could not believe that there was not one, but at least two (this was a joint effort with Sassy Marmalade) other people out there (and by out there I mean in the DC area) who had been thinking about the very same thing--those naughty little "X"s. Not only had they been thinking about it, they took the conversation to a completely different level and decided to be good fashionsita stewards and develop little cards to help the less fashion-fortunate out. For the record, these ladies are saints for coming up with the idea!

After reflecting on this little happenstance, I started to feel a little sad and disappointed: so much for having any original thoughts or ideas anymore...**sigh**

I decided I was going to write a blog post about how much it sucks to think it's very possible I may never have an original thought again. Then it hit me: why should I get all bent out of shape about the fact that an idea I had (which I remind you, I did nothing about) had surfaced on someone's blog?

It's because of this social technology that I even know there are so many liked-minded, silly people like me, who have something to say...and share. Instead of being sad, I should be glad. Now, I know that Ms. Cupcake, Ms. Marmalade and I have more fun things in common. That thought should be comforting, not alarming.

Today, I say the hell with new ideas. Find comfort in old ones and instead of a new idea, you may just find a new friend...and who doesn't need one of those now and again?

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