Monday, June 6, 2011

Food funk

I'm no Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray or Paula Deen, but I do love to cook, and even more, I love to eat. I'm not too picky (not a big seafood fan though) and enjoy trying new dishes. I've been told I'm a pretty good cook too...I only wish my family would be more excited about that.

The thing is, my kiddos are picky and my hubby has "plain" taste and enjoys way too many condiments (I made the mistake of saying he had trailer park taste buds ONE time because of the sheer amount of ketchup he goes through and I've never heard the end of it!) Up until recently, I chose to look at our differences as a challenge, one that always kept me on the look out for new recipes that would hopefully become a new family fave. My optimism has faded.

Today I have come to the conclusion that I'm in a food funk. I have been in denial (for at least the past year) telling myself it's a phase and we're just still adjusting to our new hectic lifestyle. I have said the following more than I'd care to admit:

  • It was a long day at work and I'm tired.
  • I don't feel like arguing with the kids about the need for them to try new things. 
  • I can't bear to hear "I'm not eating that!" one more time this week. 
  • Sure...we can have cereal for dinner.
  • I don't know what to cook.
  • I don't know what I want to eat.
  • Nothing sounds good.
I've blamed my lack of creativity on a slough of reasons, but the fact is, I'm uninspired and tired of the fight. I'm like a zombie in the kitchen these days.

My dinner repertoire has diminished to five or so meals: baked chicken nuggets and fries; noodles with butter and a veggie/fruit on the side; breakfast for dinner; hot dogs (for Thing One) and grilled cheese (for Thing Two); pizza (hubby's fave). Our menu needs an overhaul and stat.

Is it possible for taste buds to atrophy?

I'm waving my white flag. Is there a support group or 10-step program for this? Is there a hotline I can call?

I need a food intervention.

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